Saturday, September 03, 2005

Super Blogger & Katrina Relief Volunteer Michelle Malkin Honors Texas Relief Effort

Michelle Malkin, the formidable Conservative journalist whose blog is one of the most popular news and opinion weblogs in the world, has honored the hard work and spirit of the tens of thousands of Texans who have opened up the monumental goodwill and economic resources of our state to help the victims of the Katrina disaster.

Malkin herself has been blogging tirelessly on Katrina and its devastating impact on the people of NOLA, La, Mississip and 'Bama since it all began last weekend, and helped lead an international "blogathon" fund raising effort for the Katrina relief effort.

Don't miss her post, " Katrina and the Heart of Texas" ( also permanently linked at this page at the column at right)

We also add here a link to Malkin's Saturday post, a collection of uplifting accounts of personal Courage and Faith from the frontlines of these terrible events: see, "Stories of Survival"